Monday, March 10, 2008

Corzine and Rendell step up to the plate

Putting party unity over intra-party partisanship, Governors Corzine and Rendell have stepped up to the plate: They're willing to raise millions to pay the tab for do-over elections in Florida and Michigan. And they both support Senator Clinton, too.

Like author Thomas Wolfe said, "You can't go home again". The do-overs would just not be the same as getting it right the first time. And this time Senator Obama would be on the ballot in Michigan, and both candidates would give the voters the benefit of actually campaigning in the states. But the do-overs are the best we can do.

"We ought to have a revote," Corzine told the The Star-Ledger. "I think the money would be available if it brought peace to the party and a resolution to the nomination."

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