Friday, September 21, 2007

We're fighting in Iraq so that their people can enjoy free speech, too.

We enjoy freedom of speech here in America.

Even New Jersey students have the same right of protest we are trying to make sure the Iraqi people have.

This from AP newswire:


A federal judge in Newark has ruled two students who wished to protest a school-uniform requirement may indeed wear buttons featuring identically clad members of the Hitler Youth. The students had been threatened with suspension, but U.S. District Judge Joseph A. Greenaway, citing the Vietnam War-era case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, wrote that only if students' speech will "materially and substantially disrupt the work and discipline of the school" may they be punished for it. He rejected the school district's argument that an image of Hitler Youth was inherently abhorrent and disruptive, but ruled the boys cannot distribute the buttons to other students on school property.

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